the internet boardband is bad..
no wonder they can us the free one
it is so slow..
when I check on the website..
it is juz 512kbps..
compared to malaysia one..
it is slower haihx..
I cant even upload my photos to the blog..
stupid broadband..dat is why I cant blog..
and I cant stream oso..
would like to watch the football matches with my laptop..
haihx I wanted to get the 8mbps one..sobx..
haha anyway I decided to upgrade it to "SUPER" version..
which is much faster..hehe =)
with a dumb superman shirt..
used that to promote the broadband..hehe bad idea ^^
yeah last nite I went out with my UK flat mates..
and they brought me to the BARS..
it is much more like clubbing in msia..
it is so noisy in the bars..with everyone looks like partying..
there are so many hot gurls dancing around..
and the guyz are just drinking the beers..
after the 1st round..we went to another place to get another drinks..
my flat mates wanted hang out till 3am..and I am able to stay till 1am..
becuz of some events in the next morning..
so I went back to the my accommodation ALONE by TAXI..
it costs me 4 pounds..*so exp in RINGGIT* sigh..nvm
I'm so tired rite now..and so I go off from here...
see ya..cheers..tata
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